Deadly Sins for Southerners

[info]aklikins and I were discussing the Seven Deadly Sins and came up with six of them:  greed, gluttony, sloth, lust, envy and pride and then got stuck.

From a Southerer’s POV, I decided that the seventh deadly sin was probably  “ugliness.”   When Southerners say “ugly” in this context they don’t mean physical appearance, they mean “ugly” as unkind:  “She knew he was trying to sit down and pulled that chair out anyway — pure-t-ugly.”

But then I thought that perhaps the Last Deadly Sin for a Southerner is Tacky, as it can be used in wide variety of circumstances, for evils large and small.

Besides which, “ugly” implies maliciousness, while “tacky” might mean they just didn’t know any better, so it’s less ugly to say something’s tacky than to say it’s ugly.  ;-)

11 thoughts on “Deadly Sins for Southerners

    • Re: fwiw
      See, I think wrath can be justified at times (of course, so can the rest of them, at times). Hm… are they supposed to be bad *always*?


      • Re: fwiw
        well, wrath and anger are different. Wrath is an all-consuming anger that festers, the way I see it. It’s akin to envy, in a way. All of the deadly sins are mentally/emotionally corrosive, but wrath and envy seem to be especially mentally destructive.
        By the way, the words by themselves are just simplifications. Lust doesn’t mean simple sexual desire. Pride doesn’t refer to the pride of a job well done.


    • That’s kinda what I was thinking too, but Adrian brought up the fact that “tacky” is nicer than ugly, so maybe from a Southern standpoint, it could stand in as a Deadly Sin to give us a little wiggle room…


  1. That’s right, all deadly sins must be discussed by southerners with a “bless his/her heart” added.
    “She just can’t stay away from the dessert bar, bless her heart,” etc.


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