
I take Halloween rather seriously (for an adult, at any rate) and I always have a great deal of fun thinking up (and making, usually, though I’ve also burned the crud out of myself with the gluegun) costumes.I think my speciality is large foam-rubber constructs. I discovered a few years ago that an electric carving knife works pretty well on foam, and that large sheets of foam are generally available at local fabric stores. I really love costumes that completely transform you — that make you into a whole new shape — and foam rubber definitely fits the bill on that one.


This is Red Hat’s former CEO, Jim Whitehurst, presenting me with the Most Creative Costume Award.

I was the Spirit of Ecstasy; also known as a Rolls Royce hood ornament.

The Bill

This was 1994. And yes, I did change into a Law at the end of the evening!


Princess-y (& prince)

Originally created for a Princess Bride-themed wedding (yes, it was that much fun!)

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A mermicorn (my horn is 3D printed and lights up) and a pegicorn who also came to Flash Chorus


Tab A and Slot B


Candy Floss

SCREEN SHOT 2019-11-04 AT 11.46.37 PM

She devil and the devil dogs.


And one year we were all steampunk-y (he was geek steampunk)

Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Caroline and me (R2D2). This is actually a recreation of a costume that my father made me when I was 8, some twenty (at that time) years previous.

(He’s signing a matboard I brought in prep for having the photo printed and framed… per my request, he signed it “Let the wookie win”)


This is the original R2D2 costume, circa 1978.


My dress was two men’s t-shirts and a piece of .5 inch foam on Tuesday (Halloween was Friday night) — I was up *very very* late. Jeff’s was quite easy by comparision.And, no, I never yanked the football away, causing Jeff to fall on his patootie. That would’ve been mean!

Cat in the Hat and Thing 1, with Stephen Roberts, vintage 1993.

David Rhodes, Caroline Wiggs and I as the Scooby-Doo gang, circa 1998.

Interplanet Janet (yes, another Schoolhouse Rock costume), in 1999.

A giant pair of wind-up, hopping lips. I actually carried these across country on a plane!

Moulin Rouge in 2001.

With Mike Broome in my wench get-up. (This was actually at a Ren Faire not Halloween, but I did wear the same costume for Halloween in 2002 (I think?).


NCSSM – I was a pylon. A Southern Beall pylon. I lived in Beall dorm.

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