In the World Of NotFun category: tonight I’m writing my Grumps’ obituary. No, he’s not dead yet (please no Monty Python jokes), but my mother and aunt wanted to be prepared. As the holder of the advanced degree in Journalism, that makes it my job.

(I know it makes sense to be prepared, and I know that the last thing I probably want to be doing when the time comes is frantically drafting an obituary. Still, it’s making me cranky.)

ETA: I am honored to be doing this. It’s just thinking about Grumps not being around that’s making me not-happy.

3 thoughts on “

  1. First off, I’m sorry you’re Grumps is at a point where he needs to have an Obit written, but that’s really cool that you’ve been asked to do it. On a Trying-to-Provide-Cheering-Up note, have you read The Sweet Potato Queens’ Book of Love? Last night I just got to the chapter where they describe the process of writing a Southern Obituary. If you come across a copy of it, it might make the whole process a little more humorous.
    Not sure if this link will work, but the text came up in the Amazon text search on the book:


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