License plates and paradigm shifts

While driving to work this morning I saw a license plate that said "GOBRAVEZ", which in my head read "GOB RAVEZ" (which didn’t make any sense at all).  I pondered about that for a few minutes (I wasn’t very good at Bumper Stumpers) until I finally realized that it was probably "GO BRAVEZ" with the "Z" being a substitute "S" and the BRAVEZ/S being the (going out on a limb here and *not* looking it up) Atlanta Braves.*

So I started wishing there a was an iPhone ap that let me enter a license plate tag and look up what a user *had* meant to say (or even what other users had *thought* the tag meant).  Ooooh, and wouldn’t it be cool if it used the "presence/location" feature and it could tell you what vanity plates were near you (that had iPhones in the cars that had them, obv.), etc. etc.

And I don’t have an iPhone.

And yet an iPhone ap was the first way I thought to solve my license plate dilemma.


*  I realize my initial instinct could have been correct and, in fact, this individual was saying that he/she liked having long-lasting candy at misspelled all-night dance parties, but my point about paradigm shifts still holds, I think.

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