local someone who does canning

I have an odd question: I’ve discovered I’m madly in love with persimmons …the only problem is that they only come into season once a year. :-(

A fuyu persimmon fruit

Image via Wikipedia

I’d be quite pleased to find someone locally (RTPish) who knows how to “can” (/put up) fruit. I’d love to http://ginalikins.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=435&action=edit&message=1have a canning afternoon and would buy said person some produce of his/her choice (and/or share persimmony goodness) in exchange for help with same. (I should mention that I also don’t have any of the appropriate equipment to do said canning, so that would be helpful as well.)

Also, does anyone have a dehydrator they’d let me borrow?


4 thoughts on “local someone who does canning

  1. We have a dehydrator that you’re welcome to borrow. No manual for it, but it’s pretty low tech with no moving parts so it’s hard to go wrong.
    As for canning, our neighbor across the street does a lot of canning, is very nice, and might be amenable to helping you. The downside is that they have a couple of cats which might made things difficult for you. Let me know if you want me to check with her.


  2. One of the few kitchen tasks I’ve never done and have no setup for is canning. Sorry. Have you considered freezing instead of canning? The local agricultural extension office will likely be happy to provide you with information on both.


      • Hey — check out the link to La Stewie on my blog and head to her house for Halloween chitchat ~7 p.m. tomorrow (Halloween) night. You can wish Jerry Salley happy birthday while you’re at it. Oh, and La Stewie knows how to put up fruit. That was what I wanted to say :-)
        Call me for directions!


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